
Incompetent recruiting company accidentally put me in contact with other applicants

I've been searching for healthcare jobs since I have phlebotomy experience. There seem to be a LOT of places hurting for staff right now, and I've been inundated on Indeed with inquiries from recruiters from various staffing companies. I got a weird looking one in my Indeed inbox that didn't list the pay, and I was already irritated, so I replied with some snark asking why pay wasn't listed. I absolutely never could have predicted what happened next. I got a few messages that didn't quite make sense, including one that mentioned not using BCC and there being a reply all thread. I thought this meant I had accidentally connected with multiple employees of the staffing company, so I made fun of them for having bad tech. Then, I realized. The people I was talking to aren't with the staffing company, they are OTHER APPLICANTS the company was spamming. And…

I've been searching for healthcare jobs since I have phlebotomy experience. There seem to be a LOT of places hurting for staff right now, and I've been inundated on Indeed with inquiries from recruiters from various staffing companies. I got a weird looking one in my Indeed inbox that didn't list the pay, and I was already irritated, so I replied with some snark asking why pay wasn't listed.

I absolutely never could have predicted what happened next.

I got a few messages that didn't quite make sense, including one that mentioned not using BCC and there being a reply all thread. I thought this meant I had accidentally connected with multiple employees of the staffing company, so I made fun of them for having bad tech.

Then, I realized. The people I was talking to aren't with the staffing company, they are OTHER APPLICANTS the company was spamming. And because the employees at the staffing company fucked up, I now have the indeed email addresses of like 100 people, and I feel super uncomfortable about that.

I have never encountered this level of incompetence from recruiters before, and I couldn't wait to share it, lol. I took some screen shots and censored them. I hope you all enjoy them.

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