
Incredibly guilty over letting my boss know I’m searching for a new job

Hey everyone. Just need to vent, any reassurance/advice would also mean a lot to me. I’ve been at this job for 6 years, 3 of those as an assistant manager. It’s a busy fast food store. Out of about 800 stores, we are top 10 busiest, regularly hitting $100,000+ weeks. It’s insane. And it’s becoming a little too much with the understaffing. We recently got a new manager from another store that the owner runs, we’ll call him Rob. All the staff hates this guy. He’s passive aggressive: “hey wanna go clean dishes instead of standing there doing absolutely nothing” instead of a simple “hey can you do dishes”, for example. It’s driving me nuts. He’s fine with me but it is SO frustrating to hear the staff, which is full of high schoolers, say how upsetting it is to work with him. Another assistant manager is making $2 more…

Hey everyone. Just need to vent, any reassurance/advice would also mean a lot to me.

I’ve been at this job for 6 years, 3 of those as an assistant manager. It’s a busy fast food store. Out of about 800 stores, we are top 10 busiest, regularly hitting $100,000+ weeks. It’s insane. And it’s becoming a little too much with the understaffing.

We recently got a new manager from another store that the owner runs, we’ll call him Rob. All the staff hates this guy. He’s passive aggressive: “hey wanna go clean dishes instead of standing there doing absolutely nothing” instead of a simple “hey can you do dishes”, for example. It’s driving me nuts. He’s fine with me but it is SO frustrating to hear the staff, which is full of high schoolers, say how upsetting it is to work with him.

Another assistant manager is making $2 more an hour than me. She’s been here 20 years so has plenty of seniority but is known to be lazy and unhelpful, and also genuinely only knows how to do a fraction of the operational things I do on a monthly basis. This was initially what upset me but I don’t care about the wage as much anymore.

The store owner doesn’t want to pay me more. My boss is a wonderful guy and is why this is such a hard decision for me. Has always pushed for me to get the best pay I can, but the store owner who’s never even in the store, doesn’t want to pay me more. I feel awful because me quitting won’t affect the store owner, who’s the reason I’m leaving, but will affect my boss.

Lastly, the staff loves me, and with team morale already low because of Rob, and the manager making $2 more than me, I’m worried about how bad it’ll become once I leave. Lots of long term staff already talking about quitting. It just feels like a lot of weight to carry.. I’m in college for an HR management program so I’d be leaving in 2 years anyways but that’s still a decent amount of time.

There’s no guarantee I even find another job I want to go to, because I love this job, I like my staff, love my schedule, etc. I’m just tired of the other managers treating high schoolers like crap, tired of being yelled at by customers, and tired of feeling unappreciated by the store owner.

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