
Infinite inflating poem

Boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, Putin starts a war, inflation soaring thru the sky, Oligarchs and capitalists gauge costs a thousand time. Landlord increases rent, cant put payment down, with pennys in my hand, groceries passing by, cant afford food, social help got denied. Growling stomach and tiered mind, my physician say, i should take some vacation time. I wish i could, but my boss needs me, to piss in a bottle can now, as i deliver this expensive sweatshop gown to the rich family mom. Beaten and defeated, my family is waiting for some better time, No one to cover shift and without overtime, i get called to emergency meeting, at my own free time. But im so tired, i cant be complaining, this modern slaving must be a crime ? But here i am, standing proud, for my boss has a new house and a…

Boss makes a dollar, i make a dime,
Putin starts a war, inflation soaring thru the sky,
Oligarchs and capitalists gauge costs a thousand time.

Landlord increases rent, cant put payment down,
with pennys in my hand, groceries passing by,
cant afford food, social help got denied.

Growling stomach and tiered mind, my physician say, i should take some vacation time.
I wish i could, but my boss needs me, to piss in a bottle can now,
as i deliver this expensive sweatshop gown to the rich family mom.

Beaten and defeated, my family is waiting for some better time,
No one to cover shift and without overtime, i get called to emergency meeting, at my own free time.
But im so tired, i cant be complaining, this modern slaving must be a crime ?

But here i am, standing proud, for my boss has a new house and a brand new car,
my reward will be some delicious pizza, and a 3 hours commute,
I will pull myself by bootstraps, like your CEO daddy used to do.

Without me this couldn't not be true, money doesn't buy happiness, why should you have it too ?

P.S. Not a native speaker, apologies for grammar n style..

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