
Inspired by the other post I want to tell you about how one of my co-workers had a business under his name without him knowing

This happened years ago I want to say I was 17 at the time so it was around 2009. When I was younger I looked for jobs I could work in my town and the only one that was in walkable distance was a gas station(public transport in USA sucks). I actually went right to the door and asked for a job and the guys took down my phone number. They called me back like a month later on a Thursday at like 3am asking if I could come into work on the weekends and I said yes. When I got there I realized almost all my co-workers were middle eastern dudes that did not speak good English. They actually loved talking to me because they could practice their English with me daily. I became friends with them. They had all won a green card in the visa lottery system…

This happened years ago I want to say I was 17 at the time so it was around 2009. When I was younger I looked for jobs I could work in my town and the only one that was in walkable distance was a gas station(public transport in USA sucks). I actually went right to the door and asked for a job and the guys took down my phone number. They called me back like a month later on a Thursday at like 3am asking if I could come into work on the weekends and I said yes.

When I got there I realized almost all my co-workers were middle eastern dudes that did not speak good English. They actually loved talking to me because they could practice their English with me daily. I became friends with them. They had all won a green card in the visa lottery system but since their English was so bad they did not have anywhere else to work so they came to work at this gas station that was owned by a guy from their village.

One of the employees and I became good friends I worked there for 2 years before I left for another job. However I would still message this guy for years afterwards. He actually proudly told me that he had saved up enough money to go back to his country and buy several houses and get married. He left soon after and didn't come back to the US for some time.

One day out of the blue I got a message from him on FB. He told me that he had tried to come back to America several years ago but was shocked when he was arrested.

When he had worked in the gas station the owner had told him to sign some documents for him saying it was just some papers for work stating he was going to be a manager there (which he never did). It turned out that the owner had transferred ownership of some of his other gas stations to this dude because he was being investigated by the IRS. The guy then ran the gas stations under his employees name for YEARS and barely paid any taxes and now this dude owes hundreds of thousands of back taxes to the freaking IRS because of his boss. I actually tried to follow up on this situation but I never got any answers out of my friend who is still in his home country.

I went back to the gas station but I could never find the owner but I did found out that they are still using MY lottery license that I got in 2010 to sell loto tickets because nobody else there is licensed. I told them to take that shit down and they complied.

What a fucking nightmare of a situation.

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