
Instawork is going to IPO soon… and it’s an eerie thing for labor concerns

Instawork is the GAMIFICATION of GIG work. They will IPO soon and they are going to influence the gig work economy in a way that will be somewhat positive and mostly toxic. They operate as a caste system. The whole customer service is through a third party offshore company. If you are truly in an emergency NO ONE will help you. You could be in a dangerous situation like I was where I complained about threats to my score by a scary supervisor, by the way they will ALWAYS take the side of their vendors, employers, and contractors. Instawork will say, it is my fault and nothing can be done and scores “can't be changed”. There is a prejudicial, ableist, aspect to INSTAWORK and as much as it has its liberating factors lets not forget they are making 33million in revenue and can't respond to concerns of its ever growing…

Instawork is the GAMIFICATION of GIG work. They will IPO soon and they are going to influence the gig work economy in a way that will be somewhat positive and mostly toxic. They operate as a caste system. The whole customer service is through a third party offshore company. If you are truly in an emergency NO ONE will help you. You could be in a dangerous situation like I was where I complained about threats to my score by a scary supervisor, by the way they will ALWAYS take the side of their vendors, employers, and contractors. Instawork will say, it is my fault and nothing can be done and scores “can't be changed”. There is a prejudicial, ableist, aspect to INSTAWORK and as much as it has its liberating factors lets not forget they are making 33million in revenue and can't respond to concerns of its ever growing workforce in a timely manner, you will mostly get a generated canned response. Be careful because I was on a shift where I was walking up and down jagged rocks as a food server and some other people looked as though they were being, “human trafficked”. When I let Instawork know about this not once but three times. I was surprised they never looked into this, never responded, never cared. It's sad because there is a lot of potential but they already bought out a competitor called TEND and absorbed them and similar to amazon don't care about FAIR labor practices. SUMIR MEGHANI will be going down the same road as Jeff Bezos and then will call himself a hero for “saving” the American work force. BE WARNED he only CARES about money, influence, and shareholders and putting you in a modern day CASTE system. You've been warned… but if you're into investing probably worth getting that stock option once they IPO so you also can benefit from the pain suffering and GAMIFICATION of the work force in the USA. Stay Safe and watch your back on those Instawork Shifts.

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