
Insulted by pay offer but…

I make $16.22/hour working in childcare. Not great, but pretty typical. I have a bachelor's degree in education but I do not have a teaching certificate. So I can't (and don't want to) teach in the public schools because I don't want to bring work home at night. But I would love a school schedule so I'd be off with my kids. Daycare is open year-round with limited holidays and limited vacation days. So I applied for a teaching assistant position. I was told (by an administrative employee of the school) that pay started at $16.50/hour. I expected to make at least that, maybe $17/hour because according to their own metrics, I am a “Highly Qualified Paraprofessional.” I jumped through all the hoops with references, drug screening, etc. and just got my offer Friday afternoon. $16.24/hour. It's TWO CENTS more an hour, for fewer hours (which is the point, kind…

I make $16.22/hour working in childcare. Not great, but pretty typical. I have a bachelor's degree in education but I do not have a teaching certificate. So I can't (and don't want to) teach in the public schools because I don't want to bring work home at night.

But I would love a school schedule so I'd be off with my kids. Daycare is open year-round with limited holidays and limited vacation days. So I applied for a teaching assistant position. I was told (by an administrative employee of the school) that pay started at $16.50/hour. I expected to make at least that, maybe $17/hour because according to their own metrics, I am a “Highly Qualified Paraprofessional.”

I jumped through all the hoops with references, drug screening, etc. and just got my offer Friday afternoon. $16.24/hour. It's TWO CENTS more an hour, for fewer hours (which is the point, kind of, to have shorter days and more time off).

I'm insulted. I don't know if I'll be good at this job, it's different from anything I've done before. But I think I'm a good bet. I've got years of experience with children and I show up. On time, even!

Can I counter? Is there any point? The amount offered to me is based on some formula they use that I do not have access to, so I don't know if there's any wiggle room. Is $17/hour unreasonable?

I have good reasons to want to leave my current job (the lifting is hard on my body, I'm working when my kids are off school, including all summer, I've had seven (going on eight) assistant teachers in two years, etc.) but now I'm not excited about this new opportunity at all.


Stay at my current job? Eligible for a raise if I stay.

Keep looking?

Stay home with the kids? (I'm covering the kids' and my health insurance so this isn't really feasible.)

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