
Interview Bait & Switch

Been looking for a new job for a while. Current place is alright, but underpays by quite a bit and I just feel like I've grown as much here as I can. So on to greener pastures. Have been pretty picky about what jobs I've been applying for, mostly as I want something decently close to home. Mostly been using Indeed. Applied for a position on Monday. Very little information about shift hours (that itself already had me side-eyeing it), but maybe they had multiple openings is different shifts. The listing said to apply and schedule a time for an open interview today. That's fine, I've done open interviews before, even gotten a job from one. But that's not what they were doing. Get there and they have a bunch of people sitting and waiting. After about 30 minutes they herd everyone out into the warehouse and give a 10…

Been looking for a new job for a while. Current place is alright, but underpays by quite a bit and I just feel like I've grown as much here as I can. So on to greener pastures. Have been pretty picky about what jobs I've been applying for, mostly as I want something decently close to home. Mostly been using Indeed.

Applied for a position on Monday. Very little information about shift hours (that itself already had me side-eyeing it), but maybe they had multiple openings is different shifts. The listing said to apply and schedule a time for an open interview today. That's fine, I've done open interviews before, even gotten a job from one.

But that's not what they were doing. Get there and they have a bunch of people sitting and waiting. After about 30 minutes they herd everyone out into the warehouse and give a 10 minute speech about the company and what they are looking for. (While being very cagey about compensation and benefits other than saying they are very “competitive”.) After that they told everyone to go home and apply on the company website for the open jobs. Then they would reach back out to schedule real interviews.

What kind of bullshit is this? Just because I am looking for a job doesn't mean my time is any less valuable than theirs. Also it seems highly inefficient for them as they are basically doing everything twice. Yeah, definitely passing on applying a second time with them.

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