
interviewer said two staff are leaving – red flag?

Initially auto rejected by the recruitment website for this organisation, recruiter called full of apologies asking me to interview, agreed as didn't want to be rude. Interview didn't go well, forgot the company's values etc. What stuck out was being asked if I can cope being thrown in at the deep end as both members of this team will be leaving before I would start? Has this ever happened to anyone else and got the job and did ok? Am I being silly or is this a red flag? I have an offer from another company so I'm not bothered either way but it seemed strange.

Initially auto rejected by the recruitment website for this organisation, recruiter called full of apologies asking me to interview, agreed as didn't want to be rude.

Interview didn't go well, forgot the company's values etc.

What stuck out was being asked if I can cope being thrown in at the deep end as both members of this team will be leaving before I would start?

Has this ever happened to anyone else and got the job and did ok? Am I being silly or is this a red flag?

I have an offer from another company so I'm not bothered either way but it seemed strange.

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