
Ironic that my best supervisor is at the worst company I have worked for.

I joined a company in September 2021. I received a sign-on bonus. My contract told me that if I left before 1 year, then I had to pay the full amount back. Not long in, I realized that this was not a good fit, but I was stuck with the bonus. So I decided to stick it out for the year. As the year progressed, I developed impostor syndrome and depression, neither of which I had experienced previously. It started to affect my personal life. I was completely honest with my supervisor and kept her on the loop. She was always empathetic with me. She knew I was planning on leaving at the one-year mark. However, my mental health got so bad that I decided it was worth it to get a new job and just pay back the money, even though I had less than 2 months. I found…

I joined a company in September 2021. I received a sign-on bonus. My contract told me that if I left before 1 year, then I had to pay the full amount back. Not long in, I realized that this was not a good fit, but I was stuck with the bonus. So I decided to stick it out for the year. As the year progressed, I developed impostor syndrome and depression, neither of which I had experienced previously. It started to affect my personal life.

I was completely honest with my supervisor and kept her on the loop. She was always empathetic with me. She knew I was planning on leaving at the one-year mark. However, my mental health got so bad that I decided it was worth it to get a new job and just pay back the money, even though I had less than 2 months.

I found a job with a 40% pay increase, so it made financial sense to take it. I got the job and told my supervisor I was leaving. She told me that she was happy for me and that she is a human first. She then reached out to her boss and negotiated that I only have to pay a prorated amount back.

She then reached out to HR and told them that she did not want to pursue payback at all. I got the green light, and although legally bound to pay the full amount back, my supervisor went to bat for me and got it all waived. Now I am starting a new job 1 month earlier than expected with no penalty, and with a 40% higher pay check. I am feeling hopeful again.

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