
Ironically, Looking for Work

Hello all, I’ve recently moved into a new college and I, regrettably, need a new job as well. The on-campus jobs sound not terrible, but I actually got hired for one and I am now currently in week THREE of them giving me the run around about setting up training and such. I am near-positive this is indicative of what it is like to work for them and I am not interested. So my question for all you lovely people is, what kind of job do you recommend, for somebody who hates the idea of clocking in and out and performing soulless tasks for 8 hours? I’ve been kind of drained since being here (course load and whatnot) and I can’t go back to being a cashier, it is just far too mind-numbing and defeating. Any and all help is appreciated, but if you’ve only got mean things to say,…

Hello all, I’ve recently moved into a new college and I, regrettably, need a new job as well. The on-campus jobs sound not terrible, but I actually got hired for one and I am now currently in week THREE of them giving me the run around about setting up training and such. I am near-positive this is indicative of what it is like to work for them and I am not interested. So my question for all you lovely people is, what kind of job do you recommend, for somebody who hates the idea of clocking in and out and performing soulless tasks for 8 hours?
I’ve been kind of drained since being here (course load and whatnot) and I can’t go back to being a cashier, it is just far too mind-numbing and defeating. Any and all help is appreciated, but if you’ve only got mean things to say, well I take those too.

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