
Is $2000 after 3 years of work considered a significant raise?

I had received a raise a few months ago, $2000. I now make 45k for a position that required a bachelors degree. When talking to my boss today he was patting himself on the back, telling me how he did me a favor by being able to provide me a “significant” raise. I took me back because in 3 years time I went from 43k to 45k when I had ASKED for 55k. I’ve been applying to new jobs on and off but I feel like im hitting a wall. Is it me? Am I being selfish?

I had received a raise a few months ago, $2000. I now make 45k for a position that required a bachelors degree. When talking to my boss today he was patting himself on the back, telling me how he did me a favor by being able to provide me a “significant” raise.

I took me back because in 3 years time I went from 43k to 45k when I had ASKED for 55k. I’ve been applying to new jobs on and off but I feel like im hitting a wall. Is it me? Am I being selfish?

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