Just a question for everyone else?
Is the 8 hour workday supposed to make you feel tired and drained by the time you get home after work?
I mostly work 8 hours but there are days I work 9 or maybe even 10 hours.
Even though I am sleeping at least 8 hours a night, I still feel tired by the time I get home after work. Even sleep can't seem to fix the issue.
I still push through and exercise at home but I am just curious if this is normal?
I mentally push myself enough to exercise at home at least 4 days a week, after work.
The days I don't exercise , all I want to do is watch TV and eat dinner and then go to bed.
Was the 8 hour workday purposely designed to keep us in this state?
I'm all for hard work but it seriously feels like Monday through Friday is just working like a robot and then weekends is trying to do all your chores/errands and relax a little.
This system seems odd to me sometimes. When we were kids we went to school 5 days but we got 2-3 month summer breaks and lot of other breaks too. You never felt mentally drained as a kid.
But in the workworld, it's a never ending story until you turn 65.