
Is an employer allowed to not pay you the credit card tips that you get?

So I just got hired at this really small literal mom and pop cafe in the town I just moved to. When I was hired, the one owner told me I would get “$14 an hour plus cash tips.” Maybe I’m just fuckin stupid, but I didn’t realize that that meant literally only the cash tips and I would not get paid any of the tips that people leave when they pay with a credit card. I asked her about credit card tips today and that’s when she told me, very coldly, “Like I told you yesterday and the day you were hired, you get cash tips. We keep credit card tips.” Most of our payments are done with cards so I am missing out on a LOT of tips. I have never worked somewhere that I did not receive tip outs from credit card tips. Is this even allowed?…

So I just got hired at this really small literal mom and pop cafe in the town I just moved to. When I was hired, the one owner told me I would get “$14 an hour plus cash tips.” Maybe I’m just fuckin stupid, but I didn’t realize that that meant literally only the cash tips and I would not get paid any of the tips that people leave when they pay with a credit card. I asked her about credit card tips today and that’s when she told me, very coldly, “Like I told you yesterday and the day you were hired, you get cash tips. We keep credit card tips.”

Most of our payments are done with cards so I am missing out on a LOT of tips. I have never worked somewhere that I did not receive tip outs from credit card tips. Is this even allowed? If it is I’ll honestly just suck it up, I’m only going to be working here for a month or so before I move to the city.

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