
Is anyone actually comfortable in a corporate persona? Or is everyone just pretending, because those who pretend best advance?

It just all seems like a big performance. I don’t know if you know that old fairy tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes. Basically this awesome new tailor comes to court, who makes clothes so light you can’t even feel them! Of course everyone is actually naked, but nobody wants to be the one to say so, so they all just go on adulating this “amazing” tailor. Corporate culture summed up, basically. I sit in meetings thinking “can’t anyone see this is bullshit?!” Of course they can, just nobody will be the one to say it.

It just all seems like a big performance.

I don’t know if you know that old fairy tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes. Basically this awesome new tailor comes to court, who makes clothes so light you can’t even feel them! Of course everyone is actually naked, but nobody wants to be the one to say so, so they all just go on adulating this “amazing” tailor.

Corporate culture summed up, basically. I sit in meetings thinking “can’t anyone see this is bullshit?!” Of course they can, just nobody will be the one to say it.

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