
Is he being taken advantage of?

Story Time So my husband is a coffee professional. He spent a decade working for a very large and well-known coffee company. He has occupied roles ranging from Barista to Training to Operations to Quality Control and Roasting. Last year we had to move across the country and Big Coffee Company did not have a comparable position in that area. No worries, in the new city we lived in my husband quickly got an offer as a General Manager for a local independent coffee company/roaster that had a handful of shops in the area. He did that for about 6 months when the company had an opening in their Training & Innovation department that they offered to my husband. I don’t know the official job title but basically he is in charge of all employee training across all the stores he also is responsible for their seasonal drink innovation. He…

Story Time

So my husband is a coffee professional. He spent a decade working for a very large and well-known coffee company. He has occupied roles ranging from Barista to Training to Operations to Quality Control and Roasting. Last year we had to move across the country and Big Coffee Company did not have a comparable position in that area. No worries, in the new city we lived in my husband quickly got an offer as a General Manager for a local independent coffee company/roaster that had a handful of shops in the area. He did that for about 6 months when the company had an opening in their Training & Innovation department that they offered to my husband. I don’t know the official job title but basically he is in charge of all employee training across all the stores he also is responsible for their seasonal drink innovation. He is also just like general support for all the stores if they ever need coverage.

Anyways he really likes it even with a few small gripes in the overall position.

But recently an issue has come up and I am of the belief that my husband is getting taken advantage of.

-First off his company made him salary with this new position. I know :red flag:.

-They never had him sign any type of contract upon accepting this role so we really don’t know EXACTLY what all he is responsible for.

-He is driving all over the city daily between stores for trainings or to help r to drop off supplies and he gets no type of gas stipend.

All that we could deal with…

Then today my husband lets me know he has to work Saturday. Fine, it happens sometimes. He says he is doing a special training session. Oh? That sounds cool. It’s a special Saturday training session for him to train baristas FOR ANOTHER COFFEE COMPANY! My husband is being expected to take time away from his family to conduct special classes for employees of different companies.

I know what you are thinking. Yes, his work IS charging these companies to host these classes. They are taking advantage of his years of knowledge and experience to start a new side hustle at literally no cost to them. He asked about getting a commission and they said no. Their reason: He is salary and the company trainer. I. Am. Sick to my stomach with disgust over this. This sounds like such an abuse of power to me.

My question is I guess, is there anything my husband can do about this? Especially since there was never a signed contract? He can't just quit. Decent paying Coffee jobs don't grow on trees here.

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