
Is it better to unionize in a Right to Work, At-Will state or just join a unionized workplace?

My manufacturing job is extremely tolerable aside from low pay. However, UPS, which is union, may necessitate a pay-cut and a part-time position for a much higher ceiling in the long-term. For context, I live in Kentucky which is Right to Work and At-Will employment. Meaning I could be fired for organizing, if it can't be proven to be retaliation, which is practically impossible. Anyway, has anyone faced this dilemma before? Is it worth unionizing under hostile conditions or better to just join a union shop? The silver lining is that I'm planning to go to UPS anyway. So I'll sook have nothing left to lose at my current job. Thanks, y'all.

My manufacturing job is extremely tolerable aside from low pay. However, UPS, which is union, may necessitate a pay-cut and a part-time position for a much higher ceiling in the long-term.

For context, I live in Kentucky which is Right to Work and At-Will employment. Meaning I could be fired for organizing, if it can't be proven to be retaliation, which is practically impossible.

Anyway, has anyone faced this dilemma before? Is it worth unionizing under hostile conditions or better to just join a union shop?

The silver lining is that I'm planning to go to UPS anyway. So I'll sook have nothing left to lose at my current job.

Thanks, y'all.

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