
Is it common practise now for recruiters to outright ask you to refer them to your friends that are “more suitable” for the job?

Was called up by a recruiter who claimed she found my profile online and was interested in my professional experience. She asked a string of questions about my previous jobs without clarifying ANY details about the job positions available for this particular company or why she was calling. After dodging my questions, she then claimed I wasn't the candidate they were looking for because “quite frankly” I didn't have this or that qualifications. She then said in a matter-of-fact tone “oh then do you know any friends at all who might be suitable for this job”. Wow the audacity. First time hearing a recruiter insult your professional experience to your face before having the nerve to ask you to refer you to your other personal connections. Is this a common recruiting practice nowadays or was this just one clown trying to piss people off?

Was called up by a recruiter who claimed she found my profile online and was interested in my professional experience. She asked a string of questions about my previous jobs without clarifying ANY details about the job positions available for this particular company or why she was calling. After dodging my questions, she then claimed I wasn't the candidate they were looking for because “quite frankly” I didn't have this or that qualifications. She then said in a matter-of-fact tone “oh then do you know any friends at all who might be suitable for this job”. Wow the audacity. First time hearing a recruiter insult your professional experience to your face before having the nerve to ask you to refer you to your other personal connections. Is this a common recruiting practice nowadays or was this just one clown trying to piss people off?

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