
Is it easier to get fired now than it used to be?

It seems like it is much easier to get fired nowadays than it used to be. Do you guys agree? I remember when if you breathed into a mirror and it fogged up, you got the job. You had to do some really seriously negligent stuff in order to get fired. Now you need 8 years of experience just to get a minimum wage job, and you can get fired if you breathe the wrong way into that mirror. I think these companies have been living high on the hog for too many years now. They are used to having 600 applicants per job, and have begun to operating accordingly. Costs are astronomical now, and so much more is expected of workers as a result. Do you agree? Is it easier to get fired now than it used to be?

It seems like it is much easier to get fired nowadays than it used to be. Do you guys agree? I remember when if you breathed into a mirror and it fogged up, you got the job. You had to do some really seriously negligent stuff in order to get fired. Now you need 8 years of experience just to get a minimum wage job, and you can get fired if you breathe the wrong way into that mirror.

I think these companies have been living high on the hog for too many years now. They are used to having 600 applicants per job, and have begun to operating accordingly. Costs are astronomical now, and so much more is expected of workers as a result.

Do you agree? Is it easier to get fired now than it used to be?

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