
Is it ethical for my boss to ask me to work “faster”?

I'm a Mexican guy who works as an assembly line worker in a harness factory that makes harnesses for VW and Telsa (that sucks lol). I can't wander around or be on my phone, I have to be on my feet for 9 hours straight assembling the wires and conectors and shit. But today something weird happened. A new supervisor came to the line and then he ask us to produce more and faster. 5 times my bosses and supervisors came to me and say please work faster, do your best, I know you can. Is this ethical? Does this make sense? How can I fight against this? I work hard because I don't have an option, I make what Americans would consider 1.5 Dollars per hour. But this shit is just too much for me. Has something similar has ever happened to you? How can I deal with this?…

I'm a Mexican guy who works as an assembly line worker in a harness factory that makes harnesses for VW and Telsa (that sucks lol).
I can't wander around or be on my phone, I have to be on my feet for 9 hours straight assembling the wires and conectors and shit. But today something weird happened. A new supervisor came to the line and then he ask us to produce more and faster. 5 times my bosses and supervisors came to me and say please work faster, do your best, I know you can. Is this ethical? Does this make sense? How can I fight against this?
I work hard because I don't have an option, I make what Americans would consider 1.5 Dollars per hour. But this shit is just too much for me.
Has something similar has ever happened to you? How can I deal with this? To be honest, I was thinking to get slower on purpose just so they can have something to actually bitch about. Any tips or techniques would be appreciated.

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