
Is it fair and/or legal to ask employees to clock out when they have to lay down from heat exhaustion?

So I work in a building that isn't air conditioned, and it gets unbearably hot on most days during the summer. No this isn't OSHA compliant, but I'm afraid to say something because I don't want to be out of a job for however long it takes them to fix it. Recently we had a coworker get fired for sleeping on the job (amongst other things), but my coworkers and I have now been concerned about the security of our jobs if we end up needing to lay down because of the heat. Just now my boss came up to us and explained that despite what happened to our coworker, if any of us needed to lay down due to heat exhaustion that is okay as long as we tell a shift supervisor and clock out while we lay down. Is it just me or should we not have to…

So I work in a building that isn't air conditioned, and it gets unbearably hot on most days during the summer. No this isn't OSHA compliant, but I'm afraid to say something because I don't want to be out of a job for however long it takes them to fix it.

Recently we had a coworker get fired for sleeping on the job (amongst other things), but my coworkers and I have now been concerned about the security of our jobs if we end up needing to lay down because of the heat.

Just now my boss came up to us and explained that despite what happened to our coworker, if any of us needed to lay down due to heat exhaustion that is okay as long as we tell a shift supervisor and clock out while we lay down.

Is it just me or should we not have to clock out to lay down because of how exhausting and dangerous the work conditions are???

In my thinking, we're paid to be here, and if I clock out I might as well go home. I don't want to be laying down in a sauna of a break room until I can recover from the heat exhaustion that this job caused just so I can feel well enough to clock in again.

Is this something I should bring up to my boss? We're having a company meeting soon to discuss things and I'm already going to mention the OSHA violations, but should I also say that we shouldn't have to clock out for heat exhaustion??

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