
Is it fair to say America is going through a “Dark Age”?

About to turn 40. I guess I'm considered an old millennial. So, Reagan in the 80's – that fucked the middle class and is still going strong as far as taxing the the middle class, which is now the norm leading to the rich getting richer, so no great infrastructure, minimum wage being the same since I started a “real job” other than when I worked with migrant Mexicans at $3.50hr(they were awesome people), two great depressions, ( fight me on semantics for this, it's killing the working class), a world wide pandemic that's killed millions of people, and now folks are being encouraged to trade wfh so assholes can keep their commercial real estate and putting workers in danger, AGAIN with no sort of bonus, or real compensation. $30hr min wage. I'll picket with you all. I'm doing ok, but barley. It feels like there is a movement, but…

About to turn 40. I guess I'm considered an old millennial. So, Reagan in the 80's – that fucked the middle class and is still going strong as far as taxing the the middle class, which is now the norm leading to the rich getting richer, so no great infrastructure, minimum wage being the same since I started a “real job” other than when I worked with migrant Mexicans at $3.50hr(they were awesome people), two great depressions, ( fight me on semantics for this, it's killing the working class), a world wide pandemic that's killed millions of people, and now folks are being encouraged to trade wfh so assholes can keep their commercial real estate and putting workers in danger, AGAIN with no sort of bonus, or real compensation. $30hr min wage. I'll picket with you all. I'm doing ok, but barley. It feels like there is a movement, but it's really underground, and I don't know how to help. I hope this time line is remembered I'm future generations and I hope it's we could figure out a way to get people paid and safe and secure. I worry everyday for my kids. These old fucks at the top of government need to be cleansed.

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