
is it illegal for managers to leave notes saying “no hogging time off during summer?”

These old witches are so burnt out and crappy at their jobs, and wanna try and control when we take vacations. Like I'm sorry if the summer months are the most appealing to take time off, why don't you just hire more seasonal help? Oh yeah, nobody wants to work for this shithole! Add me to the list of people who are leaving once I get my friend to bring me into his line of work where I stand to make waaaay more money with less bullshit.

These old witches are so burnt out and crappy at their jobs, and wanna try and control when we take vacations. Like I'm sorry if the summer months are the most appealing to take time off, why don't you just hire more seasonal help? Oh yeah, nobody wants to work for this shithole! Add me to the list of people who are leaving once I get my friend to bring me into his line of work where I stand to make waaaay more money with less bullshit.

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