
Is it just me or has the working environment created the worst type of coworker/manager?

Y'know. The person that's always moaning and sighing and complaining about how no one else works as hard as they do, no one else there knows what they're doing, “if it wasn't for me this place would fall apart”, etc. They freak out whenever the smallest thing goes wrong, and if you're not anxious about it, they'll try to find a way to change that! Even more infuriating: it's okay when they lie or don't follow the rules, but if you do it, they're all over you about it. THAT drives me bonkers. Either we're holding each other to the same standards or we aren't, don't try and play me like that. I'm over it. The manager at my last job was like this and it was horrible for my mental health. This is also what one of my new coworkers is like; it is draining. I don't understand how…

Y'know. The person that's always moaning and sighing and complaining about how no one else works as hard as they do, no one else there knows what they're doing, “if it wasn't for me this place would fall apart”, etc. They freak out whenever the smallest thing goes wrong, and if you're not anxious about it, they'll try to find a way to change that! Even more infuriating: it's okay when they lie or don't follow the rules, but if you do it, they're all over you about it. THAT drives me bonkers. Either we're holding each other to the same standards or we aren't, don't try and play me like that.

I'm over it. The manager at my last job was like this and it was horrible for my mental health. This is also what one of my new coworkers is like; it is draining. I don't understand how anyone can work themselves up into a frenzy and be this physically stressed about things that just don't actually matter. I specifically picked the job I'm in now because (besides being fortunate enough to do that) I wanted something that paid more and had less responsibilities, something that was less stressful. And this job meets that criteria, and it's just this one coworker that's like that. But ffs. I don't get it. The company doesn't care about YOU. Your boss doesn't freak out over the things you're freaking out about. So why are you trying to make it everyone else's problem?!

I'm also so tired of people that claim they wouldn't know what to do with themselves outside of work. REALLY. There's not a single thing you enjoy doing for the sake of doing it, just for YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT? I know it's not their faults. This is what happens when you work fulltime and get married and have kids. You slowly lose your identity and become so wrapped up in this constant stress that it becomes your new one. Corporate America has effectively spiritually massacred our working class.

Sorry not sorry, but I absolutely will not live this way. I have a feeling that in the long run, it would be cheaper and easier to just build a small house on a well with some solar panels and a garden, and say fuck it to working full time. Or at all, if I don't have to. This is just ridiculous. No wonder everyone's been losing their goddamn mind lately. Decades of this bullshit would be enough to make anyone snap!

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