
Is it normal/legal to recommend an employee to go to a psychologist?

Sorry if the formatting is weird, I’m on mobile. I have a friend who is working for a Non-profit through a contract with “networking agency” I guess you could call it. She had a specific set of hours to finish, which she will be finishing in october, so her contract is about to end and it has always been pretty clear that it is not a permanent thing. This is all relevant. Onto the situation. She had her performance review today and after getting the general set of “compliments”, she was told that she lacked initiative and that it seemed to stem from low self-esteem. They told her she was “always waiting to get orders” and that she “doubts herself” a lot and ended up telling her she should go to a psychologist… Now, to me it seems like this isn’t even legal. If she has an amount of hours…

Sorry if the formatting is weird, I’m on mobile.

I have a friend who is working for a Non-profit through a contract with “networking agency” I guess you could call it. She had a specific set of hours to finish, which she will be finishing in october, so her contract is about to end and it has always been pretty clear that it is not a permanent thing. This is all relevant.

Onto the situation. She had her performance review today and after getting the general set of “compliments”, she was told that she lacked initiative and that it seemed to stem from low self-esteem. They told her she was “always waiting to get orders” and that she “doubts herself” a lot and ended up telling her she should go to a psychologist…

Now, to me it seems like this isn’t even legal. If she has an amount of hours set, what kind of initiative should she have? They have made it clear there’s no opportunity for her to stay after her contract, so what is so bad about sticking to the work you’re assigned and not going the extra mile? It seems extremely manipulative and like they wanted her to do more work than she is getting paid to do (which is really no a lot)

I don’t know if this is legal or ethical in any way and would really like go know. Thanks in advance.

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