
Is it normal to dread going to work this much?

Every single night before work, even on my days off im thinking about and dreading going to my job. Hell its not even every night, its more like at least every hour of the day i think about how much i hate my job and how much i dont want to wake up the next day and go to work. I stay up late and dont get enough sleep just because i want to have a bit more time for myself, so the next morning i feel physical and mental pain and its a struggle just to force myself to get into my car and go to work. Every minute im at work im just wishing the day will end and waiting to go home. Its starting to give me frequent anxiety attacks and is making my depression a lot worse, its causing me to drink a lot more too…

Every single night before work, even on my days off im thinking about and dreading going to my job. Hell its not even every night, its more like at least every hour of the day i think about how much i hate my job and how much i dont want to wake up the next day and go to work. I stay up late and dont get enough sleep just because i want to have a bit more time for myself, so the next morning i feel physical and mental pain and its a struggle just to force myself to get into my car and go to work. Every minute im at work im just wishing the day will end and waiting to go home. Its starting to give me frequent anxiety attacks and is making my depression a lot worse, its causing me to drink a lot more too because i dont know how else to cope with it. Drinking gets my mind off work temporarily. I know i should probably just quit and get a new job. Im thinking about taking a couple months off work entirely but even then i know ill have to find another full time job that ill probably hate at the end of it because i just hate my time being constrained by others and working to make someone else richer. I just cant do this for 40-50 years and then only get some form of a break when im old and have medical issues and no energy for anything. Im not going to live life like this…Sorry for the rant and i dont even know if this was the appropriate sub to do it on

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