
Is it okay to quit?

This week I started a new housekeeping job at a retirement home, It is downtown kind of in a weird area but I thought it would be fine to just walk to it as I figured I had a ride in the morning, but they need to be at work at 7 out of town I try to wake up at 5 to leave at 6 so i can get dropped off at a cafe. Shift starts at 8 and i wait until 7 to start walking which takes half an hour. The issue is the first and second day I had to deal with some people trying to come up and possibly mug me and were tweaking out, people hiding behind bushes looking like they were going to come out and do something. The first day was kind of rough work you have 20 rooms to clean on one…

This week I started a new housekeeping job at a retirement home, It is downtown kind of in a weird area but I thought it would be fine to just walk to it as I figured I had a ride in the morning, but they need to be at work at 7 out of town I try to wake up at 5 to leave at 6 so i can get dropped off at a cafe. Shift starts at 8 and i wait until 7 to start walking which takes half an hour.

The issue is the first and second day I had to deal with some people trying to come up and possibly mug me and were tweaking out, people hiding behind bushes looking like they were going to come out and do something. The first day was kind of rough work you have 20 rooms to clean on one floor and there was two of us, I already was kind of exhausted from speed walking making sure nothing happened to me on the way, As soon as I get there I start work basically. I tried to go in early the first day but no one is there, and they don't want you there until its time to go in. So I literally have to wait outside away from the premesis, and thats why I've been approached.

Second day me and the person training me cleared another floor at 12pm, we found out last minute we had another floor to complete (another 20 rooms which makes 40 in one day) and we had 7 rooms left by the end of it, it just made me kind of stressed out because she wanted to pick friday up and she just didn't get why they didn't tell her about it or why it was expected to get it done in a timely manner when I'm still learning how to properly finish rooms. The issue with that is on friday I'm supposed to be working by myself on a different floor and there's literally only one cart for housekeeping and she will be using it in the morning to finish the rooms that didn't get finished the day prior, I wanted to start working as soon as possible so I could get the floor done in time by the end of the day. But now i'm worried that i won't have enough time.

I even planned on skipping a break just to make sure I could get it done since I'm new and there's certain things that need to be done a specific way like residents beds and such. All the while being physically exhausted from what's been going on outside of work. I'm expected to be working alone on the third day but by the end of it I probably won't have the whole floor done as expected. I pulled my back/ got really sick the first day. And I'm still trying to recover. I just feel useless… But I'm being told that's a big responsibility to be put on me when I literally just started the job. I just feel stuck/torn between am I doing an okay job? Am I underperforming because of what's been happening outside of work? And what do I do next?

I think I'm just really overwhelmed with a lot of things between the job and this situation, I would call a cab but everyone in my city knows how late the cabs are, I've called them like 2/3 hours prior and they didn't come on time even when I called to double check. Bus routes don't start until 8 am here which is when my shift starts. I just don't feel safe, I got this job thinking maybe i could pull through 2 paychecks and get my license then save for a car while i keep working but now its like just feel really stuck, my family is telling me it isn't worth it if this is what's happening. I just feel really bad about all of this… Would you quit?

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