
Is it possible to be a billionaire while still trying to do the right thing? I’m trying to figure out the whole “but their net worth is in stock” argument.

What if someone leads a business that compensates their employees well with top pay, great benefits, profit sharing, etc., and owns majority of the company stock. If this company is successful and grows, its stock value balloons over time and this person becomes a net worth billionaire because of his ownership of majority stock and maybe other investments, but their actual salary is only $70k/year. Sure they can sell some of their stock ownership and be fabulously wealthy, but is their anything wrong with this in your opinion? At what point is someone “too rich” and what should be done about that, in your opinion?

What if someone leads a business that compensates their employees well with top pay, great benefits, profit sharing, etc., and owns majority of the company stock. If this company is successful and grows, its stock value balloons over time and this person becomes a net worth billionaire because of his ownership of majority stock and maybe other investments, but their actual salary is only $70k/year. Sure they can sell some of their stock ownership and be fabulously wealthy, but is their anything wrong with this in your opinion? At what point is someone “too rich” and what should be done about that, in your opinion?

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