
Is it really a disaster to resign from your job without having another job already lined up?

Hi, everyone! This is my first post in this subreddit 🙂 I'm very anti-work in theory but, as I'm sure a lot of you know, it's kind of the expectation for people to hustle especially when they're young and fresh out of college, and I'm honestly fine with doing that to an extent but I've been dealing with a really toxic work environment that I just want out of… So, I'm a 23 year old female who graduated college in May 2021 and I have been working for an agency since this past July. I'm a recruiter and I knew before I even started in this field that I wouldn't fall in love with it and want to be a recruiter for the rest of my life, but I pretty much decided to just take what I could get since I had and still have no clue what I really…

Hi, everyone! This is my first post in this subreddit 🙂 I'm very anti-work in theory but, as I'm sure a lot of you know, it's kind of the expectation for people to hustle especially when they're young and fresh out of college, and I'm honestly fine with doing that to an extent but I've been dealing with a really toxic work environment that I just want out of…

So, I'm a 23 year old female who graduated college in May 2021 and I have been working for an agency since this past July. I'm a recruiter and I knew before I even started in this field that I wouldn't fall in love with it and want to be a recruiter for the rest of my life, but I pretty much decided to just take what I could get since I had and still have no clue what I really want to do (if there even is anything I'm super passionate about). It was honestly a decent job until I got promoted toward the end of April, going from $40-41k/year when I first started to $48k/year. I truly believe the company as a whole treats their employees decently, but I've also heard from people who have been with the company for years that it really depends on the specific team you get placed with. I had to switch teams due to being promoted, and my new team is unfortunately awful. I didn't receive any real training for all the new tasks I'm responsible for. I was kinda just thrown into things and no one is all that interested in helping, so I feel like a burden when I reach out for help, even when it's my new boss I'm reaching out to. She was actually promoted from the job title I have now around the same time I joined the team and it's really clear that she wasn't ready to be promoted. She's incompetent and extremely rude/unprofessional. She complains to me all the time about how much work she's had to pick up since being promoted, then she'll message me during my lunch break with five different tasks for me to do ASAP. And the company I'm now recruiting for… I can't even get into them. They're ten times more toxic and they've gotten mad at me three or more different times now even though I am still super new and doing the best I can.

Anyway, I've been on this new team for about a month and a half now, and I've been applying to different jobs for about two weeks now but I'm seriously ready to resign, with or without another job lined up. I'm pretty low maintenance in general, I still live with my parents for the time being and my bills and spending habits are relatively conservative, and I also have about $25k saved up so I'm not worried about running out of money before I do find a new job. However, I've been told that employers might assume I was fired and that if I go more than a few months without finding a new job then my employability will “start to decline quickly.” I feel like a lot of what I've been hearing is worst-case scenario and, I know it's possible that I won't be able to find a new job for a long time, but it's most likely not going to be as big of a deal as I'm being scared into thinking it is. Does anyone have experience quitting without having another position lined up? I would be grateful to hear everyone's thoughts/opinions!

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