
Is it Worse to Work for a Small Start Up, or a Giant Megacorp?

With small/startup companies you get: “We are a family” and “We all wear a lot of hats” which results in unprofessional behavior, looser responsibility or structure, lack of accountability, nepotism, and unrealistic expectations. They want emotional investment and “passion”. With big multi-national companies you get: treated like a faceless cog or a budget line item, impersonal management far removed from their actual employees, corporate procedure and decisions are dictated by shareholders who never see you or your work, hard to take pride in what you do. Either was you feel taken advantage of and seldom make wages that reflect what you are worth. So… What’s the sweet spot?

With small/startup companies you get: “We are a family” and “We all wear a lot of hats” which results in unprofessional behavior, looser responsibility or structure, lack of accountability, nepotism, and unrealistic expectations. They want emotional investment and “passion”.

With big multi-national companies you get: treated like a faceless cog or a budget line item, impersonal management far removed from their actual employees, corporate procedure and decisions are dictated by shareholders who never see you or your work, hard to take pride in what you do.

Either was you feel taken advantage of and seldom make wages that reflect what you are worth. So… What’s the sweet spot?

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