
Is it worth a rebrand?

I am writing this from the UK so sorry if not all points are relevant wherever you are. So while I am behind many of the issues raised in this sub I find something problematic with the name. But before I go on I will give a little of my position on work/payment Ballance so you can know my outlook better. I believe in fair pay for fair work. In an ideal world I would see that frontline workers earn enough to support a household on a single wage. this is necessary for a stable society and economy due to the precedence of illness and relationship breakdown. This means in the case of the UK a retail assistant, care worker or factory employees would earn somewhere close to £30k a year. This is not achievable in some settings such as a hair salon with two employees and the business owner…

I am writing this from the UK so sorry if not all points are relevant wherever you are.

So while I am behind many of the issues raised in this sub I find something problematic with the name. But before I go on I will give a little of my position on work/payment Ballance so you can know my outlook better.

I believe in fair pay for fair work. In an ideal world I would see that frontline workers earn enough to support a household on a single wage. this is necessary for a stable society and economy due to the precedence of illness and relationship breakdown. This means in the case of the UK a retail assistant, care worker or factory employees would earn somewhere close to £30k a year.

This is not achievable in some settings such as a hair salon with two employees and the business owner and in this case state benefit should be used to make the difference. But in cases such as Tesco, fast food chains and mass retail where there is clearly enough money coming in the responsibility for paying a living wage should fall on the business owners not the tax payer. In real terms this will mean that business profits are less and bonuses and wages of the top levels of cooperate management must be cut to fill this gap. To confirm this would only effect those earning in excess of £500k a year.

In order to achieve this we must start branding large businesses who pay less than the living wage as failed or failing businesses. They are essentially state funded to a large degree.

Further to this as employees of these companies we can help ourselves and any cost of living crisis by costing the companies money until will get a fair wage. I recommend changing your phone at work, using the lights, heating, water and any other facilities made available to you as much as possible. This will increase their cost of having you as an employee and decrease your costs at home. I had a friend who took this to the level of a martial art and for two years never took a shit at home or changed his laptop or mobile at home. Except for holidays of course. Another friend who cycles to work uses a work shower three times a week.

Having said all this I can honestly say the few times in my life I have had fair wage for work I have felt positive towards the company and wished to protect its financial health. I therefore have a slight issue with the title anti work. I am from the working class and see nothing wrong with grafting for a living, in fact I believe there is honour and dignity to be found in hard work which is well rewarded. I am not anti work, I am anti the statues quo of top heavy wealth distribution.

I hope that the Labour party in the UK could do something about this but don't hold out much hope. I resolutely vote Green unless it's not an option.

What do you guys think? I am not saying I am right or wrong I have a problem but am happy to be shown why I am wrong and would like to hear your thoughts.

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