
Is job hopping really that bad?

Not sure if this the right subreddit to post but – this year, I’ve been employed by two different companies; 4 months by my current employer and 4 months by my previous employer. Prior to that I was self-employed and prior self-employment, I was in my field of work (same employer) for about 3 years after I left college. When I got my current job, my salary jumped by about 50%. The thing is I really like my current job, employer and manager, no complaints so far. I switched jobs after my previous employer because I know I could be getting way more for the same position and given what’s going on right now with “The Great Resignation” and so called “shortage of workers” I decided it was the best time to take advantage of that and look for a better paying job. Now I’m at a better paying job…

Not sure if this the right subreddit to post but – this year, I’ve been employed by two different companies; 4 months by my current employer and 4 months by my previous employer. Prior to that I was self-employed and prior self-employment, I was in my field of work (same employer) for about 3 years after I left college. When I got my current job, my salary jumped by about 50%. The thing is I really like my current job, employer and manager, no complaints so far. I switched jobs after my previous employer because I know I could be getting way more for the same position and given what’s going on right now with “The Great Resignation” and so called “shortage of workers” I decided it was the best time to take advantage of that and look for a better paying job. Now I’m at a better paying job (my current job) I’m thinking of the same thing although I’m quite content with my salary I know i could be getting more. My only thing is i dont want employers to think I’m a job hopper and can’t stay with one company for more than a year, although my first job out of college I was there for almost 3 years. I’ve been approached by recruiters multiple times about opportunities at their company and when I look at the salary it’s about 30-50% higher than what I’m getting now and I know for a fact I can do the description of those positions. Should I keep my options open for better paying opportunities or stay the course at my current job until I reach a year? Also, (I have my own justifications) but, if I do plan to apply to other jobs, I want to hear what are others reasonings or justifications I can say when they ask why have I been job hopping so much this year; because I know they’ll ask. I know this was long so if you got this far, thanks for reading and please leave your thoughts and some constructive criticism.

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