
Is LinkedIn a must to get work? Been told I MUST be on there?!

I've been told it is and I'm very stressed. I had a page ages ago but had to get it deleted after it was hacked and I had problems with it. Now, I'm desperate for work but illness has made it impossible to find suitable jobs. Starting up again is a pain as due to illness I've taken a long time off and will have very few connections now. Is LinkedIn essential for jobseekers?

I've been told it is and I'm very stressed.

I had a page ages ago but had to get it deleted after it was hacked and I had problems with it.

Now, I'm desperate for work but illness has made it impossible to find suitable jobs.

Starting up again is a pain as due to illness I've taken a long time off and will have very few connections now.

Is LinkedIn essential for jobseekers?

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