
Is my boss legally obligated to pay me for the time it takes for me to get changed into uniform (UK)

I was trying to find relevant articles about this pertaining to UK laws as I'm aware that this exists in the US but I'm unsure if we have a similar thing(from what I've read, under the FLSA 1938.) For context, my job requires me to get changed on the premise as I'm unable to wear my uniform to and from work for health and safety reasons. All advice is appreciated.

I was trying to find relevant articles about this pertaining to UK laws as I'm aware that this exists in the US but I'm unsure if we have a similar thing(from what I've read, under the FLSA 1938.)

For context, my job requires me to get changed on the premise as I'm unable to wear my uniform to and from work for health and safety reasons. All advice is appreciated.

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