
Is my decision only about money?

I've been working for a big company for a little over a year in a support role. I'm in a weird on-site remote corporate position, so I don't report to anyone where I work nor does anyone report to me. My manager lives thousands of miles away and I talk to them once per week via a video call. The facility that I work in has had some major turnover issues since I started with the company. The high turnover caused productivity decreases that put a lot of pressure on the on-site leadership and drove most of them to resign. Though well outside of my scope, I stepped up and starting taking on a lot of responsibilities to fill the leadership gaps. Some senior corporate leaders noticed my commitment and how much I've taken on and suggested that I apply for a one of those vacant leadership roles. I've been…

I've been working for a big company for a little over a year in a support role. I'm in a weird on-site remote corporate position, so I don't report to anyone where I work nor does anyone report to me. My manager lives thousands of miles away and I talk to them once per week via a video call.

The facility that I work in has had some major turnover issues since I started with the company. The high turnover caused productivity decreases that put a lot of pressure on the on-site leadership and drove most of them to resign. Though well outside of my scope, I stepped up and starting taking on a lot of responsibilities to fill the leadership gaps. Some senior corporate leaders noticed my commitment and how much I've taken on and suggested that I apply for a one of those vacant leadership roles. I've been jumping through the corporate hoops and going through the preliminary interview process. Today, I spoke with HR to discuss compensation. This conversation did not go well. Corporate policy says that regardless of how many pay bands I would be moving through, the maximum salary increase is 20% from my current salary which is below the minimum in the salary range for that position. HR went on to explain that an outside hire would get receive at least 50% more than I'm currently making.

I ended the conversation and said I wasn't interested in moving forward. They asked me, “are you really turning this down because of money?”

They are willing to bring someone in off the street, with no operational experience at a higher salary than someone who has shown commitment to the company, someone who has that operational experience, someone that has a proven track record.

I think it goes without saying, I'll be handing back all of those out-of-scope responsibilities and getting back to my standard eight-hour workday while I start my job search elsewhere.

Sorry if you didn't find this as an interesting read. I really just needed someone to vent my frustrations to and don't have anyone. I sacrificed my personal relationships to put more effort into work and I'm to ashamed to reach out to everyone I abandoned for an ungrateful company.

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