
Is my job allowed to make me take a non anonymous survey about the workplace?

I’m an early educator and work at the largest early education corporation in the US. They’re currently heavily pressuring us to take a work place survey despite the disclaimer at the beginning saying it’s completely optional. I’m only apprehensive because I know my survey responses are going to be mostly negative, as this is a pretty butt company to work for under our current management and I’m afraid of any consequence to come from my responses saying so. I know it isn’t anonymous because we have codes linked to our employee ID number and management has reached out to those who haven’t taken it directly. Do I just turn over and lie and pretend everything is fine or am I honest on the survey and face confrontation by management? One of the questions is literally “Do you expect yourself to be employed with _____ this time next year?” I do…

I’m an early educator and work at the largest early education corporation in the US. They’re currently heavily pressuring us to take a work place survey despite the disclaimer at the beginning saying it’s completely optional. I’m only apprehensive because I know my survey responses are going to be mostly negative, as this is a pretty butt company to work for under our current management and I’m afraid of any consequence to come from my responses saying so. I know it isn’t anonymous because we have codes linked to our employee ID number and management has reached out to those who haven’t taken it directly.

Do I just turn over and lie and pretend everything is fine or am I honest on the survey and face confrontation by management? One of the questions is literally “Do you expect yourself to be employed with _____ this time next year?” I do not. “Does management respect you as a person with their own needs and accommodations to be met?” Absolutely not. “Would you recommend our services to other families?” No! A million times, no! Unfortunately, I would never recommend anyone put their young child in the care of a company that cares more about enrollment rates than safety. No matter how good of a teacher set they may have.

I also know that most people won’t be honest because of the lack of anonymity, and I may be the only one singled out for telling the truth.

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