
is my job quietly firing me? what can i do about this?

i started working for a sales company about 3/4 months ago, when the sales are low they are quick to blame us for not being good enough and frequently tell us that when a man leaves without buying anything that we’ve done our job wrong (it’s a high end store). when i was hired i told them i was starting uni again soon and would require around 15 hours a week compared to working my usual 35 – they said they were fine with this but required flexibility which i agreed upon. it’s a zero hour contract job. the issue i have with being flexible is that the management are not flexible with us – shifts are put out 1 day before the work week starts, they don’t allow us to swap shifts if we have appointments made before the rota is out etc. they recently hired a bunch of…

i started working for a sales company about 3/4 months ago, when the sales are low they are quick to blame us for not being good enough and frequently tell us that when a man leaves without buying anything that we’ve done our job wrong (it’s a high end store). when i was hired i told them i was starting uni again soon and would require around 15 hours a week compared to working my usual 35 – they said they were fine with this but required flexibility which i agreed upon. it’s a zero hour contract job. the issue i have with being flexible is that the management are not flexible with us – shifts are put out 1 day before the work week starts, they don’t allow us to swap shifts if we have appointments made before the rota is out etc. they recently hired a bunch of new girls who can do more hours than me and have given me 1 shift a week, then 0 shifts this week. the manager has always been quite rude to me and the other girls, telling us we aren’t allowed to speak when working and have to stand on opposite sides of the room, making rude comments regarding our sales, having us work for 6 hours at a time with no toilet breaks allowed etc. i asked her what the notice period was as the stress was getting to me but then reassured her later i was not quitting – i feel like they’re punishing me for this and are trying to make me quit by reducing my shifts to 0 but saying they can do this as it’s a zero hour contract job – what do i do here?

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