
Is my manager looking down on me or am I overthinking this?

I (21F) am a recent college grad. I work for a large corporate company. I have an engineering degree but my job is more FinTech. I am in a rotational program role where I rotate every 6 months in a new team for 12 months. I am decent on the tech side of my job but I dont know the econ and finance side of my job very well. Thus, I ask questions and some finance & econ stuffs are just boring and does not make sense to me. Yet, I still try to give my best. My manager (who is honestly not a bad person) has realized my weakness and he treats me as if I don’t know anything. I feel like he looks down on me and thinks I am just dumb. If I ask him some questions, he replies with the answer but also adds, “These are…

I (21F) am a recent college grad. I work for a large corporate company. I have an engineering degree but my job is more FinTech. I am in a rotational program role where I rotate every 6 months in a new team for 12 months. I am decent on the tech side of my job but I dont know the econ and finance side of my job very well. Thus, I ask questions and some finance & econ stuffs are just boring and does not make sense to me. Yet, I still try to give my best. My manager (who is honestly not a bad person) has realized my weakness and he treats me as if I don’t know anything. I feel like he looks down on me and thinks I am just dumb.

If I ask him some questions, he replies with the answer but also adds, “These are more of a common sense questions.” He always waits for everyone else to join the meeting and never starts unless everyone is in the meeting. But this one day I joined 2 mins late and he had already started the meeting.

The other day, he, I, and my other coworker were in a meeting and they were discussing some stuff. And he tells, “We have been discussing this topic [says the topic name] recently. For you, I am just going to refer it as work cause you won’t understand.”

He keeps comparing me to his previous entry level employees and says how good they were at their work even as a fresher. If there’s a team lunch or something, he insists everyone to join him but says its optional for me. Couple weeks ago he also said, you have finally started knowing something. I am glad.

The list goes on and on. He seems like a really nice and caring person. But, sometimes his comments are just hurtful. He can’t fire me for 12 months unless I do something illegal but I feel like he simply doesn’t want me in his team.

I am not saying I am the smartest. My boss is smart and experienced and I have a lot to learn. I have my weakness and I am willing to work on it, but its so much harder when someone who you look up to, looks down on you.

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