
Is “Quite Quitting” actually new? Or have people have been doing the minimum at boring jobs for decades now.

Comedies like The Office and Office Space were widely popular, mostly because of how relatable they are. Since the main characters of each story do the bare minimum, it would seem like a lot of people can relate to doing the bare minimum as well. So is this really a Gen Z or post-Covid thing? Or just boomers saying “our generation was tougher” once again. IMO, seems like boomer upper management and HR have gotten lazy in motivating a new work force, or in the new era of remote/hybrid work. As always, it’s easier to blame it on the people beneath you than step up and try new, creative solutions.

Comedies like The Office and Office Space were widely popular, mostly because of how relatable they are. Since the main characters of each story do the bare minimum, it would seem like a lot of people can relate to doing the bare minimum as well. So is this really a Gen Z or post-Covid thing? Or just boomers saying “our generation was tougher” once again.

IMO, seems like boomer upper management and HR have gotten lazy in motivating a new work force, or in the new era of remote/hybrid work. As always, it’s easier to blame it on the people beneath you than step up and try new, creative solutions.

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