We have people here who are living with their parents and safe, we have people here who are trying to make it alone, we have people who are living with a SO, we have people who are homeless and trying to figure out what to do and we have people who are scattered somewhere in between.
But do we have a list of resources? National links to job resources, to homeless shelters, to communes, co-op work, child care, health care resources for various income levels?
Ending the “work to survive until you don't” treadmill is a process. But, collectively, we can build a road map for those who are somewhere on the road to it. The info will be different for each country/continent.
My limited info for the US:
To assist in forming a Union at your company from the ground up –
The National Labor Relations Board: https://www.nlrb.gov/
If you're homeless and looking for shelter-
Please add to this. I know nothing because I've been relatively privileged (white cis male in the US) but I know, collectively, this is something that can be done.