
Is there a voting guide that describes policies that will benefit millennials and gen z as a group economically?

Baby boomers sacrificed future generations (us) because they were a large group and they voted in mass for policies that would only benefit them. They made houses easy to buy when they were young and made them go up in value drastically once they owned them by taking measures to increase the price by limiting supply with zoning or building restrictions. This had the effect of making it impossible for young people to buy houses and makes them need to share rooms to afford rent. All of this rent money is going to boomers who voted to make it easy to buy the houses in the first place. Or not making voting day a national holiday because young people are usually busy and old people are retitred. The politicians themselves are all old as well Is there a voting guide for younger people to pick policies that will benefit them…

Baby boomers sacrificed future generations (us) because they were a large group and they voted in mass for policies that would only benefit them.

They made houses easy to buy when they were young and made them go up in value drastically once they owned them by taking measures to increase the price by limiting supply with zoning or building restrictions.

This had the effect of making it impossible for young people to buy houses and makes them need to share rooms to afford rent.

All of this rent money is going to boomers who voted to make it easy to buy the houses in the first place.

Or not making voting day a national holiday because young people are usually busy and old people are retitred.

The politicians themselves are all old as well

Is there a voting guide for younger people to pick policies that will benefit them as a group at the expense of boomers?

Not just for housing, but every beneficial economic policy as a group. I am sure that they have spent decades rigging the entire economic game in their favor.

I ask here because every article on google seems to just be SEO optimizing with no real substance, or it was a guide written by a boomer.

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