
is there any problem in today’s world that isnt caused by, related too, or made worse by capitalism ?

I feel like everything, is at some level a side effect of capitalism. For a silly example – remember last year when the right was frothing at the mouth about a couple of Dr. SUES books that were out of print? Ultimately, the issue there was that the books, despite being old as dirt, weren't in the public domain. And the reason for that – capitalism! Cause Disney doesn't want to lose the rights to mikey mouse, so the amount of time that it takes to get added to the public domain keeps getting backed. Tl;DR – name a problem that we face today, for which capitalism isn't a factor.

I feel like everything, is at some level a side effect of capitalism.

For a silly example – remember last year when the right was frothing at the mouth about a couple of Dr. SUES books that were out of print?

Ultimately, the issue there was that the books, despite being old as dirt, weren't in the public domain. And the reason for that – capitalism!

Cause Disney doesn't want to lose the rights to mikey mouse, so the amount of time that it takes to get added to the public domain keeps getting backed.

Tl;DR – name a problem that we face today, for which capitalism isn't a factor.

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