
Is there any way to ease this feeling of hopelessness?

Im only 20 and work a full time job at a grocery store as a night time shift lead. I've been working here for the past 9 months to pay off for school and I'd consider it my first full time job (first job was at a cafe). When I first started I was by the books, “hardest working employee”, and did everything right without any questions asked. But recently, especially in the last few months it's taken it's toll on me and my psyche. I here the same “Oh you're so young, you should be working 60+ hour weeks” from my older coworkers, but this isn't a future I see in mind for myself or anyone to slave away and for what? Especially if we're forced to do this shit for decades on end in the hopes we can spend the remainder of our life in retirement? Yeah, fuck…

Im only 20 and work a full time job at a grocery store as a night time shift lead. I've been working here for the past 9 months to pay off for school and I'd consider it my first full time job (first job was at a cafe). When I first started I was by the books, “hardest working employee”, and did everything right without any questions asked. But recently, especially in the last few months it's taken it's toll on me and my psyche.

I here the same “Oh you're so young, you should be working 60+ hour weeks” from my older coworkers, but this isn't a future I see in mind for myself or anyone to slave away and for what? Especially if we're forced to do this shit for decades on end in the hopes we can spend the remainder of our life in retirement? Yeah, fuck that. Especially considering how none of the future seems promising in comparison to the past. Just feels like we're destined to fatten the rich fucks at the top while we're left in a constant struggle for not only survival, but enjoyment in life. Honestly, is there anything to do to ease these feelings of hopelessness or are we doing all of this for nothing?

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