
Is there anything I can do?

I was somewhat recently released from my job, “without cause”. They stated they didn't need me, yet were short staffed at the time. Another post on here got my attention as people were stating it is illegal to fire someone over discussing wages (Canada) While they declined to give me a reason, even after further probing. I believe I was let go because I was causing a commotion within the staff as I had monthly meetings with the HR manager where I directly challenged the companies wages and benefits. I (25m), was getting paid the most out of anyone on the floor staff, and that didn't sit right with me (below $17.50 for what I would consider to be a healthcare professional) Sure I've had plenty of managerial experiences since highschool, but some of these other individuals had been in their respective field for twenty some odd years AND had…

I was somewhat recently released from my job, “without cause”. They stated they didn't need me, yet were short staffed at the time. Another post on here got my attention as people were stating it is illegal to fire someone over discussing wages (Canada)

While they declined to give me a reason, even after further probing. I believe I was let go because I was causing a commotion within the staff as I had monthly meetings with the HR manager where I directly challenged the companies wages and benefits. I (25m), was getting paid the most out of anyone on the floor staff, and that didn't sit right with me (below $17.50 for what I would consider to be a healthcare professional)

Sure I've had plenty of managerial experiences since highschool, but some of these other individuals had been in their respective field for twenty some odd years AND had managerial experiences and were getting paid less than me

A little background, when I was hired, they said the turnover rate was a big problem for them (I know red flag #1). As I was coming from a corporate company, where we successfully got the turnover rate to the lowest across all of their north american locations (1200+), I thought I could easily help. The answer was simple to me, pay healthcare professionals as exactly that, paying them like a kid one year out of highschool isn't going to keep healthcare professionals around (they consider their line of work to be retail, but you do a hell of a lot more than point people in the right direction and tell them to have a nice day)

They verbally say to not discuss wages and there is a sign in the lunch room that says something along the lines of, “no work talk during lunch”

The thing that killed me was that I was fighting for every single person in that building and all the HR manager could think about was the company, of whom is doing quite well and capitalising off of the vulnerable sections of society. Record profits during COVID, this is based off of the only information available to me and their HR manager (yes, the gentleman that picks everyone's wages doesn't actually know the company finances, as per his word).

How a healthcare retailer is even allowed to be private/for profit is beyond me. The answer I got for things being priced the way they are, “the insurance companies pay for it anyways”, not everyone has insurance and the cheap options aren't even that cheap, considering you'll need more in the future. Gov programs pay for pretty much the rest that isn't out of consumer pockets, so they're raising taxes while they're at it

Is there any action I can take to make sure those in the building don't meet the same fate as me?

PS, one poor lovely lady there had gone through 8 years of schooling, and multiple years in her respective field only to be paid in the low low twenties, I'm talking easily less than $24, if my memory serves me right it was below $22 but maybe don't quote me on that one

All I want is to leave the world in a better place when I go, and I clearly wasn't making any ground while I was there, but maybe I can do something for those still there

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