
Is there anywhere I can get my LinkedIn profile looked at and reviewed?

I really want another job so I can move out, gain some independence and be able to afford to live a happier life than I am at the moment (living with my mother post graduation and in a office job that doesn't pay enough to move). I'm starting from the beginning again and I'm starting with my LinkedIn profile. Is there anywhere where I can ask someone to look at it and get advice on what I can improve? I seriously need a job so I can move out.

I really want another job so I can move out, gain some independence and be able to afford to live a happier life than I am at the moment (living with my mother post graduation and in a office job that doesn't pay enough to move). I'm starting from the beginning again and I'm starting with my LinkedIn profile.

Is there anywhere where I can ask someone to look at it and get advice on what I can improve? I seriously need a job so I can move out.

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