
Is there really any hope for change?

I'm seeing a bunch of posts about striking and everything on here, and I really do wish this stuff would work… But will it even do much? Our population's been polarized to the point if one half says go straight the other half will go turn around. It's almost like the ruling class arranged for it. I don't mean to sound like a downer, but for every person on this sub, there's just as much who deify corporations and actively ignore the issues talked about on here. To be honest, it has me scared. Are we even gonna be able to change as a nation? Is there hope?

I'm seeing a bunch of posts about striking and everything on here, and I really do wish this stuff would work… But will it even do much? Our population's been polarized to the point if one half says go straight the other half will go turn around. It's almost like the ruling class arranged for it. I don't mean to sound like a downer, but for every person on this sub, there's just as much who deify corporations and actively ignore the issues talked about on here. To be honest, it has me scared. Are we even gonna be able to change as a nation? Is there hope?

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