
Is there such a thing as “over-communicating”?

So, we’ve been working remote for over two years now. My boss used to call and FaceTime us to the point of being on the phone for 3-4 hours, and sometimes, there’s multiple calls in a day. If you do it almost everyday, it will start eating up data/costs. I know, because I did get a message from my provider that I was about to reach my “cap” two days before my billing cycle (there I was thinking that I thought we have unlimited dat). The FT calmed down a bit, but the calls are still happening. When I started to voice out that the calls were eating up my data, it did kinda slowed down. Next thing I know, I am now “required” to call my analysts to check in on them twice a day, to “ensure that tasks are being done correctly” (my boss’ words). Now I have…

So, we’ve been working remote for over two years now. My boss used to call and FaceTime us to the point of being on the phone for 3-4 hours, and sometimes, there’s multiple calls in a day. If you do it almost everyday, it will start eating up data/costs. I know, because I did get a message from my provider that I was about to reach my “cap” two days before my billing cycle (there I was thinking that I thought we have unlimited dat). The FT calmed down a bit, but the calls are still happening. When I started to voice out that the calls were eating up my data, it did kinda slowed down. Next thing I know, I am now “required” to call my analysts to check in on them twice a day, to “ensure that tasks are being done correctly” (my boss’ words). Now I have a standing calendar appointment to call my boss everyday to report to her. Also forgot to mention that she also calls my reports to check in on them. If I don’t call her, she sends me an email, almost scolding me for not doing the call with her. She tells me that this is part of my job. Why do I need to check on them if she’s already doing it? I don’t want to be the kind of supervisor who breathes down peoples necks. I know what my people can do and I know that they will reach out if ever there was an issue, however small. I feel like this communication requirement is a bit too much. How do I tell my boss that she needs to back off this whole calling thing a bit without sounding like an ass?

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