
Is this an illegal practice?

So, I recently had a friend who worked at a fast food chain in California. They were terrible to him there, I mean they were cutting hours and making it really hard for him to go to his scheduled doctors appointments (he has a medical issue). But the thing that stuck out to me was that he had to sign a paper saying he wouldn’t talk to any of his coworkers outside of work. Their reasoning for this was that they didn’t want them to be friends and then mess around at work, but I feel like it’s an attempt to stop them from unionising. Thoughts?

So, I recently had a friend who worked at a fast food chain in California. They were terrible to him there, I mean they were cutting hours and making it really hard for him to go to his scheduled doctors appointments (he has a medical issue). But the thing that stuck out to me was that he had to sign a paper saying he wouldn’t talk to any of his coworkers outside of work.
Their reasoning for this was that they didn’t want them to be friends and then mess around at work, but I feel like it’s an attempt to stop them from unionising. Thoughts?

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