
Is this classed as harassment, if so what should I do?

I'm a late 20s male currently losing my resolve in the world of retail, and more or less on the verge of breakdown. My body is crumbling within the cogs of the corporate machine and my spirit is wavering. If it is not the hostile customers, it is the older fellow staff members making my life difficult. I've recently been letting my hair grow out longer than usual, and either by coincidence or direct cause this has brought in myriad comments about my appearance. At first I didn't care too much, however the constant barrage has slowly worn me down. One team member has resorted to constantly calling me 'princess' or 'pretty boy', on occasion yelling it from afar within the store. Again, I have been tolerating this as a bit of banter, or at worst a backhanded compliment. Until more recently this team member used a very borderline homophobic…

I'm a late 20s male currently losing my resolve in the world of retail, and more or less on the verge of breakdown. My body is crumbling within the cogs of the corporate machine and my spirit is wavering. If it is not the hostile customers, it is the older fellow staff members making my life difficult.

I've recently been letting my hair grow out longer than usual, and either by coincidence or direct cause this has brought in myriad comments about my appearance.

At first I didn't care too much, however the constant barrage has slowly worn me down. One team member has resorted to constantly calling me 'princess' or 'pretty boy', on occasion yelling it from afar within the store. Again, I have been tolerating this as a bit of banter, or at worst a backhanded compliment. Until more recently this team member used a very borderline homophobic slur, relating to how I was dressed. Before proceeding to tell me to get out of his department dressed like that. I retorted, saying 'I will dress how I like in your department'.

This situation, leads me to believe his initial comments were derived from a malevolent place, and I'm beginning to grow weary with his ongoing demeanour and comments.

Similarly, another older team member has frequently made comments/sounds? relating to my appearance. Such as making a cat's purr when my name was mentioned via the earpiece communication units, and making other semi-sexual remarks towards me. Usually, followed by a 'you know I'm joking', whilst I just awkwardly laugh it off.

Ultimately, I may be overreacting, however, I don't see why I should have to be subjected to this. I literally just 'want' to turn up to do my job and go home. It is a tiresome, arduous job as it is, let alone when compounded by this additional social strain.

I'm for the most part a very calm and composed person, however, I feel my irritation is starting to bottleneck and I'm concerned with how I may respond in the future. I'm reluctant to raise this further, as I'm unsure how it will impact my security in the role. Albeit, I'm desperately trying to escape this job + retail in general. Any advice would be appreciated

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