
Is this harassment in the US?

My husband was bombarded by his boss and his boss’s boss yesterday. They claimed they knew he was doing stuff he shouldn’t be doing but said they couldn’t prove it. They asked him why he has his personal laptop at work “to message with my wife” and why he had an echo show “my wife bought it for me for Father’s Day and it displays photos of our baby”. His boss said “he’s playing Magic!” (Not sure how she even knows what Magic is but whatever). Husband explained that was the background on his laptop. They made him plug it in and open it up to show them. His background is a Magic background. They gave him shit for having a gaming mouse at work. My 6’4 husband said “look at the size of my hand, look at a regular mouse, look at my mouse. It’s more comfortable”. His boss…

My husband was bombarded by his boss and his boss’s boss yesterday. They claimed they knew he was doing stuff he shouldn’t be doing but said they couldn’t prove it. They asked him why he has his personal laptop at work “to message with my wife” and why he had an echo show “my wife bought it for me for Father’s Day and it displays photos of our baby”. His boss said “he’s playing Magic!” (Not sure how she even knows what Magic is but whatever). Husband explained that was the background on his laptop. They made him plug it in and open it up to show them. His background is a Magic background. They gave him shit for having a gaming mouse at work. My 6’4 husband said “look at the size of my hand, look at a regular mouse, look at my mouse. It’s more comfortable”. His boss has been bursting into his office on average of 6 times an hour. No knocking, just busts in. I think she’s trying to catch him doing non work shit. They claimed to not know he is approved for intermittent FMLA for a medical issue (mental health) that he’s dealing with that has become urgent and gave him shit over it. Is this harassment and if so, what should he do about it?

Potentially relevant info: We are in a right to work state. I worked there for 9 years without any issues (I brought my own laptop in for years with no one saying shit to me) and had a few promotions before my husband got a job there a little over a year ago. I quit 2 months ago to stay at home with our baby. His boss is new, he had no issues at work before she arrived. My conspiracy theory is there is a woman at work who wants his job because she was denied his boss’s position when it was open and she wants his to hopefully have another shot at his boss’s position in the future. This woman is new BFFs with his new boss (I’m getting this info from a former coworker, not my husband). The person who is taking over my job has also experienced some bullshit from this other woman who I think wants my husband’s job. My replacement and my husband both think their desk/office have been rifled through when they weren’t there.

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