So I (25) wanna start by saying I don’t live in the US but I do work remotely for an American company.
I am being paid 12/hour. That is a GOOD salary for me.
The issue is that my boss is pressuring me to complete a job I am not qualified nor trained for, it is not my field of expertise and I have mentioned several times that I have limitations and don’t feel comfortable with the task.
So I do multiple jobs and get paid just for one. I don’t get health benefits, PTO, vacations, nor sick leave. I don’t get paid differently for the extra hours I put in (they pay me the same 12/hr). Lately I’ve been working 44+ hours a week.
They require an email at the end of the day detailing each task done and it feels like micromanaging.
I am very stressed out and don’t know how to handle it all, I’m burned out.